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Jes Moore
LOGO WORK 2013-2018
All of these wonderful logos are currently in use across the country.

River Left Pirate-Style Pizza, 2017
This was the first project I had the pleasure of working on after moving to Licking County. "River left, river right" are rafting terms that mean to indicate one's orientation in relation to the river's current. My client designed and built his own round shaped, portable wood burning pizza oven which he could bring to the river's edge and cook his gourmet pies. As a designer I give much branding advice, so for River Left it made sense to ditch the common "wood fired" slogan in favor of a new brand: "Pirate-Style". It fit my client perfectly and has been very effective with customers. I was going for branding in its original sense; his brand is clear and creative, simple, portable and above all, unique. The textured logo is intended to be stamp-like and to mimic a woodcut stamp.

Tiny Dynasty, A Dumpling Pop-Up Restaurant - Logo + Secondary visual element
This idea was born from a friend's long research of dumplings, which incidentally is a wonderfully varied world. Easy to prepare ahead of time and wonderfully adaptable, a dumpling a pop-up just makes so much sense. Tiny Dynasty was created to function in Columbus, Ohio and appeal to an edgy, sophisticated and somewhat nontraditional crowd. Classic asian restaurant visual icons are given a punk-rock application, and this pop-up becomes instantly recognizable.

The Computer Workshop,
A technical adult education company
- Full Rebranding: Logo, website, various business materials
2013 - 2014
The Computer Workshop had been in business for 15 years when I was hired to do their rebranding. It was important to update the look of the company without losing sight of the core values of its founders. We successfully did this and with the update I was able to design everything from the banners, buttons and icons on the website to the business cards, letter head, envelopes and training posters they used in the classrooms. It was a tremendously formative and successful experience.

Fox and Fern Studio,
A private art studio owned and developed by
Dr. Janette Knowles of Ohio Dominican University
Dr. Knowles approached me to develop her logo for her art studio. She had the title figured out and I went from there. I did a digital sketch which was approved by her and developed the rest . I kept the pallet somewhat muted and wove in the other elements paying careful attention to keep the playful nature of the fox alive and working intentionally with pattern to create visual interest. In the end, my hand drawn scroll shapes became the roots poking through the ceiling of the fox's den, or studio and it was finished! I really enjoyed working with a character for this logo.
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